Dental implants are a method for guaranteeing those sound teeth remain solid by living only them while as yet giving an establishment in your jawbone to help whatever dental prosthesis you are joining and hold it immovably set up.

So what is a dental implant?

As told by the Academy of General Dentistry, a dental implant is an artificial tooth “root” set in your mouth to help a dental prosthesis, for example, a crown, denture or extension. It is produced using titanium metal and it fuses around the jawbone filling in as a root for the missing tooth.


1. A dental implant has a high success rate

The success rate of dental implant changes contingent upon the oral health of the people, wherein the jaw the implants are placed and the expertise of the person who carried out the procedure. But generally, dental implants have a success rate of up to 95%. A 2014 study suggests greater implant success rates when carried out by a dental specialist.

2. Implants look and feel like natural teeth

With regards to appearance and feel, the main difference between dental implants and genuine teeth is that it isn’t genuine teeth. They are modified to look, feel and fit precisely like the various teeth in your jaw. If you will, it is a perfect clone of the missing tooth – more so if the procedure was performed by a dental specialist. It gets its natural feel from the fact that it is fused to your bone. Special care is also taken in the design of the crown to ensure that it is almost not distinguishable from your teeth.

3. Implants make eating less difficult

Unlike other dental treatment options, implants enable you to enjoy a most natural and satisfying chewing experience. You do not have to take special care when eating.

Are you hungry? No worries, just eat. Traditional dentures often slide, making it difficult for you to enjoy chewing. Dental implants function like your natural teeth, allowing you to eat all your favorite foods without any extra effort or sensation of pain.


4. Implants can help ensure sound teeth

When you lose a tooth, one of the most widely used teeth replacement options has been the dental bridge. Often times, this involves cutting some parts of adjacent healthy teeth to ensure a proper balance of the dental bridge.

Thanks to dental implants, we can now position a crown or a bridge on the dental implant itself. Other teeth do not need to suffer because of the plight of one.

Dental implants are a method for guaranteeing that healthy teeth remain solid by leaving them alone while still providing a foundation in your jawbone to support whatever dental prosthesis you are affixing and hold it firmly in place.